Welcome back whanau and kiaora to our new members!
This term we have loads of amazing things happening, and if you would like to see the exact details please visit our class site: https://sites.google.com/kawakawaprimary.co.nz/room16ssite/2019-home?authuser=0
OR come in and see us in action!
Things to remember for this term:
-There will be a "meet the teacher" evening so please attend so that you have answered questions
-We are swimming so please ensure all pieces of uniform are clearly named- this does include undies!
- We will be having a lot of powhiri for our new tamariki so please if this is for one of your whanau, come and attend to share the special moment with us all
-We are a hands-on class who goes through our resources through a lot of making so if you have anything to contribute to an interest of your child's please send it through!
Nga mihi whanau,
I look forward to seeing you in the new term.